While the Cat’s Away…

My hope is that all the mice will behave! Seriously, Pastor Kelly, thanks to the kind efforts of Leo and Dorothy Cigale, will be heading to the Holy Land in February and will be gone from February 6th through the 16th. This is a fantastic opportunity for Pastor Kelly and I know it is her intent to “take us along” through the miracles of modern technology. May we all hold Pastor Kelly and her traveling companions in our prayers as they make this journey.

While Pastor Kelly is away Michelle Henrichs, our wonderful pastoral intern, will be handling Sunday morning worship and I will be available for any other pastoral needs that might arise. I plan to check in each day with our office staff but please…should you have any needs or questions while Pastor Kelly is away, do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me on my cell (414-698-2387), at home (414-744-3927) or at Faith UMC (414-453-1710). You can also reach me at aoren@wi.rr.com.

As a pastor it is always a challenge to take time away…even though we are encouraged to be mindful of our own self-care. Whenever I would go away for a two-week stint at school I would leave my congregation with  a request that they stay healthy in my absence but should a need arise, not to hesitate to call whoever was covering for me. As clergy, that’s what we do for one another.  So I make the same request of you…do your best to stay out of the hospital; watch your step on the ice; be careful shoving snow (should we ever get any!) but if you do find yourself in need…call me!

Pastor Andy