Bread and Jam began in 1996. It’s original idea was to help single parents with limited funds. Free meals (Bread) were served the first and last Sunday of the month to anyone who came and musicians spontaneously served up music (Jam). It has evolved into a free meal served to any person who attends, regardless of religion or financial circumstances every Sunday. We offer food for the body and fellowship for the soul.
Since resuming our program after COVID, we serve a bag lunch from 2:30pm – 3:30pm every Sunday. On the last Sunday of each month, from 2:30 – 3:30pm, our volunteers serve up a sit down hot meal.

Bay View UMC families and friends help stock boxes at The Hunger Task Force. This group was able to pack 18 pallets, which is 720 boxes. That’s 21,600 pounds of food! Community partnerships like this are an important part of our ministry. We’re especially involved in helping stock some of the 10,000 food boxes Hunger Task Force distributes monthly to low-income seniors across Southeastern Wisconsin. Look for more opportunities like this one in the church Gathering Space. New opportunities are being posted regularly. We hope you join us!