In 2019, BVUMC moved to the Accountable Leadership Board model in which the former Church Council became the ALB of no more than 13 persons. This is a streamlined model of ministry that allows the ALB, along with the pastor and program staff, to give oversight, direction and purpose to the programs and ministries of the church.


ALB coordinates the functions of several of our committees with the intention of reducing the number of meetings needed to conduct the administrative business of the church. The hands-on ministry is done by “teams” whose responsibilities are to do ministry, such as the Staff Parish Relations Team, Stewardship Team, Outreach Team, and Trustees Team. This leadership model holds the mission of the church as primary and puts larger numbers of people in ministry.


Members of ALB are to be intentionally growing in faith, as well as setting an example for the congregation. There is time allotted at each ALB meeting for spiritual formation before getting into the business.

ALB meets the second Monday of each month begging at 6 pm in the Gathering Space. Meetings are open to ALL. (Enter from the Pryor St door. Ring white door bell on left if door is locked.)

In addition to all our faithful volunteers serving in ministry at BVUMC, members of ALB include:

Chair: Pamela Karg

Pastor: Reverend Jerry Cho

Vice Chair: Diane Evans (and also Worship Team)

Recording Secretary: Linda Balfanz

Lay Leadership & Annual Conference Delegate: Susan Troyer

Ministry Team: Mary Guardalabene, Staff Parish Relations; Jan Colson, Trustees

At-Large Members: Mark Humphrey, John Liebenstein, Richard Harvey

ALB Contact email:

Meeting Minutes