Inspiring Stories

We come by our “stories” as we live our lives through all ages and stages. How many of us recall favorite stories read to us in childhood?  How often do we repeat the memories of summer vacation fun? When do you look forward to sharing about your recent trip to a favorite destination, eager to recall that great meal with special people? Our good feelings during these shared times feed our willingness to risk sharing more.

Anyone recently reminisced about that “trip of a lifetime” taken just after retirement? Who doesn’t have a favorite story about one of their grandchildren on the tip of their tongue? And, how often does the inclusion of a “happy story” at the close of the nightly news give us a hopeful feeling that the world isn’t such a bad place after all?

Friends, our frames of reference, understanding and sometimes, even belief come from the stories we hear, see and read. Remarkably, one story, experienced by many people at the same time bears about as many interpretations as well! That’s the beauty of story: the diversity of our human family in the expression of what we experience.

Likewise, the inspired stories of the living Word, the Bible, bring this beauty to our daily discipleship. The blessed (and often miraculous) gift of our United Methodist tradition is in the willingness to uphold the spectrum in this beautiful diversity of experience. We use the influences of scripture, tradition, experience and reason to develop our understanding of God-with-Us and our call to be God’s people in the world loving God, our neighbor and ourselves in life-giving ways.

God’s grace heaps upon us as we live into our stories and then risk sharing our stories with others.  I pray that we be inspired in our storytelling as people of faith in this community.  Be bold, church, to tell YOUR inspiring story!

Let it be so.

Pastor Kelly