With a Thankful Heart

I come to this issue of our newsletter and to this time of year with thanks on my mind. This is a reflective time, different than the spiritual introspection of Lent; this time of year allows me to express gratitude over the multitude of blessings in my life. Scripture tells us that when we come to God in prayer with a thankful heart, whether or not we get the answer we are looking for, God will bless us with peace that no one can completely understand. (Philippians 4:6-7)

It is with this text on my heart that I offer you this news on a personal note. After a year of prayer and procedure, Russ and I have ended our marriage relationship. My grief ebbs and flows with the passing of days as with any other loss. The blessing of good memories is a comfort as I take my first independent steps in 30 years and the gift of a small circle of faithful, supportive friends and family to whom I am deeply grateful has been woven through every tear.

The ministry we ALL share each day is also a blessing in my life. The combining of gifts and talents to offer weekly worship, effective outreach and quality programming brings me joy and I am thankful to each of you and to God for the ministry of Bay View UMC. In a few weeks, we will celebrate our work and ministry of the past year and set a course for the year to come. I hope to see many of you in attendance at our Church Conference on Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 12:30pm.

God desires each of our hearts and offers grace upon grace through Jesus to come into a real and meaningful relationship of love and forgiveness. I have a thankful heart for all of the ways God’s love is shared into the world through ALL of you.

Peace to each of you, as it is with me, by the grace of God through Jesus Christ,

Pastor Kelly