As I write this looking forward to 2015 I am still so grateful to all of you at BVUMC for being a teaching congregation. Thank you for all of your support as I continue to grow into my pastoral identity. You may not even know that you are doing it in the moment but each way that I am involved in life of the church, even small conversations before the service, help me to grow. Thanks for being a teaching congregation. Also, a big thank you goes out to all those who make the cookie walk happen. That was a big effort and I was excited to be part of the process!
In the coming months I look forward to connecting through small groups. We’ll have two more small group gatherings: one on January 10th at 10am at John and Jan Liebenstein’s house. Then on Sunday, January 11th, parents are invited to a small group conversation during the Sunday school hour at 9:15am. I’ll also be leading a Lenten Bible Study. More details will be coming on that in January.
This year is going to be full of big transitions for me and I look forward to the opportunities that I’ll have to learn from you all, whether it be a one on one conversation, a small group or Bible study, or in worship together. May God be with you in this new year.
Pastor Eddie