Recent church culture has painted a picture of faith practice for “seekers” using lavish big screens and video systems, huge staffs and multiples campuses. These ‘mega’ churches come in many denominations, including the United Methodist version – think Adam Hamilton and The Church of the Resurrection in Kansas or Mike Slaughter and Ginghamsburg Church in Ohio. Friends, these churches are not our ‘bench mark’ of accomplishment or success – but I do look to them as guides for the administration and the framing for ministry (marketing) aspects of these UM leaders.
Our Church is blessed with foundational resources constructed to allow some comfort in our long term forecast for viability. These have come through memorial gifts and the hard and careful work of Finance team members and Trustees who have collaborated heads, hearts and assets into avenues for longevity.
That leaves our short term, immediate and monthly ministry, outreach and building operations, our annual apportionment to the general church, our mission obligations and special offerings along with the birthing of new ministry for growth to ALL of us, the members and friends of this church community.
Some have asked why we are doing these summer fundraising events: Culvers, the Golf Outing, and HamBingo, when we have an annual Stewardship campaign and money in the bank.
The easy answer to that is that we run a deficit (underfunded) budget and the monies we hold at the Foundation are restricted – unable to be used in little bits or for general ministry. And, truly, the mission and ministry of the church get better backing and more enthusiastic volunteer help when we tackle the financial aspects as we go.
Sometimes I feel like we “nickel and dime” a bit too much. I stress about how often money is a part of the decision making around a new idea that holds us back. This is why we are fundraising. Trying to invite folks to engage in fellowship and fun while raising funding that can be liquid for ministry now.
Things like Ducks that we give at community events, most of our advertising, the new website construction,
supplies and curriculum for children’s events (aside from Sunday School), community wide events that include the Mardi Gras Pancake Supper – these are what we’ve been doing to date and they incur unbudgeted costs. I know that there are projects and plans to further impact our community for good and I know they will also incur cost. Memory Café has been generously unwritten by a donor friend of the church and I am hopeful that grant writing will emerge soon as another source of income.
Friends, weekly worship, where most of you see Andy and I and one another is the cheapest thing we offer the world (and the most important). Your generosity pays staff salaries and keeps the lights and heat on and we are grateful! We are also called to more than this and these fundraisers allow leadership to vision with freedom and to follow the prompting of the Spirit.
My thanks to each and every one of you for any and every penny you give to Bay View UMC and our ministry and mission partners. You are faithful stewards and I am excited and hopeful as we become faithful fund raisers together, as well, to the glory of God. Let it be so.
Pastor Kelly