
This banner invites people around the world to relate, remember and support persons who are in the midst of great tragedy. The hashtag is today’s clue to those who get and share information on any of the many social media platforms; it’s a reminder for me that the worldwide community has a connection pretty literally in the palm of their hand! (cell phone).

As a pastor, I have wondered how to frame our Church’s response to the 49 massacred and 53 injured people in Pulse early on Sunday morning, June 12, 2016.

As a pastor of a reconciling congregation, I further ponder how to frame our response to this targeted attack on the LGBTQI community (Pulse is a gay club).

And then God tapped me on my heart and said, “Kelly! Why do you put my children and the world’s tragic happenings into labeled boxes? Those lost to you are loved by me and you who remain must continue to be my people.”

I don’t know if this was really God’s word to me or maybe this is what I heard because of gospel text I have been studying for this coming Sunday (6.26). Either way, God got my attention. It’s not about labels and banners. It’s about the heart of discipleship. In the text people are stepping up to follow Jesus but they do so with ‘strings’ and conditions and Jesus doesn’t respond favorably (Luke 9:51-62).

We so appreciate God’s unconditional and always available love, don’t we?! Jesus is teaching that God wants the living of our faith in God (discipleship) to be unconditional and available as well.

This got me to thinking about my procrastinating ways – my reluctance to be overt in my faith action and my fear in sharing my faith witness. The Bible Study conversation this week reminded me that our life stories have power.

~The sharing of our faith journeys has power to change people’s frame of mind.

~Being vulnerable in moments of uncertainty to welcome the help and companionship of friends and loved ones has the power to change people’s hearts.

~Helping a stranger has the power to change the world, near to home and across the planet.

And so, as the Seasons of Summer and Ordinary Time (Church Season) commence I am rededicating my resolve to BE a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I will make connections (face to face and on social media) and I will share God’s love. I will share my own faith journey; I will allow myself to accept help and I will offer my gifts to help others ~ without strings, without constraints and without fear!

Pr. Andy invited ALL of us, during the time with children last Sunday, to commit to making one new friend this summer. Folks, remember that your first friend is Jesus! And through Him, no matter what you’re facing, no matter who you love, no matter if you’re in the closet or out and proud, no matter if you’re questioning your faith or your gender identity, no matter if you’ve been a life long church goer or visit with a skeptical heart, together, our message to ALL is:  # YOU ARE LOVED.

Pastor Kelly