Change Is In the Air

“Serving the institution” is no longer a duty or a privilege! A new culture of “hands on mission” and collaborative ministry is emerging and as Church memberships continue to decline, the sprawling committee structure of the United Methodist Church is no longer sustainable.  All of that to say – that here at Bay View UMC, we’ve been planning for change for a while now and it’s time to take action as the Body of Christ in this place.

Your Administrative Council has been engaged this last year in the study and conversation of the book, Winning On Purpose by John Kieser – a book recommended by our Conference for guiding the course of change in leadership structure. We’ve had good conversation. Pastor Kelly has been meeting with the Conference wide group of 22 churches engaged at different stages of this process, and we’ve prepared and submitted the proper documents to our District Superintendent.

Here is where YOU come in! At our Church Conference on Sunday, November 20th, we will put this request for structural change to those members in good standing who are present to vote. You’ll be voting to lessen the number of meetings and strengthen the pathways to active ministry within our congregation. This system brings accountability among the leadership board, pastor(s), and staff (paid & unpaid) for our primary mission – to expand God’s kingdom by leading, growing and sending people into the world to BE God’s people.

The Council discussed what would be missed by folks in our neighborhood and in our Church if we didn’t exist – I bet you can think of at least 5 ways you personally would be lacking without the heart of this community beating in this place.

By implementing this new structure we can streamline the process of decision making and ministry planning so that more of you can be doing the ministry God calls us to, using the gifts God has given you.

(Here is a shameless plug inviting you to take the Spiritual Gifts Survey if you haven’t. See Diane Evans or Pastor Kelly for more information.)

This new structure will take about a year to get into place, but your current Council has been faithful to the process thus far and I am sure that as you commission the new leadership board in January 2017 that they will work faithfully to make a seamless and purposeful transition.

As we begin the process of praying and inviting leaders to this Board, if this article has spurred interest in you please let Pastor Kelly or Pastor Andy know as soon as possible.

The open application period will be the first week of November (10/30 thru 11/6) and if you sense God calling you to explore leadership, please submit an application. The current council and pastors will be forming the leadership slate for the blessing of our District Superintendent and then the approval of the body at Church Conference on Sunday, November 20th.

This is an exciting  – yet not earth shattering – time of change in the Church. It will need tweaking as we live into it through 2017, and I look forward to reporting back to you next Fall on our wonderful progress as Accountable Leaders toward advancing God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

Peace to each of you,

Pastor Kelly