A Blast from the Past

That’s a phrase usually connected with bringing back something memorable and that is exactly what is going to happen on Sunday afternoon, September 18th. It was back in the late 1990’s when we along with other Bay View area faith communities first came together as a covenant community, known today as the Southeast Covenant Association (SECA). For a good number of years the highlight of that relationship was the annual fall picnic at which folks from all our member communities came together for great food, volleyball, children’s games, etc.

This past February 5th we held a “Neighbor’s Night” at the Islamic Center. This was the first gathering we have had in quite some time and what made the night so very special for us from BVUMC was seeing our former pastor, Lowell Bartel, being honored by The Islamic Society for being the one who first made the connection with their community so many years ago.

At that February event there was also much conversation about reviving the annual picnic and we are now turning that talk into reality. I’m telling you this in July because I want you to get it on your calendars NOW. We’ll gather at Humboldt Park, picnic area #4 beginning at noon on Sunday, September 18th. This is the picnic area adjacent to the playground and closest to the bathrooms.

More details will follow as we get closer but for now I urge you to make plans to attend this event. And if you haven’t made that new friend yet that we talked about in church a few weeks ago this will be the place to make that happen! If you were at previous picnics you know our friends from the Islamic Center always bring delicious food but everyone is invited to bring a dish to pass. If you would like to help plan this event please let me know. We’re especially looking for ideas for bringing our children together.

Friends, we are living in a world that seems to be constantly trying to divide us. This is a great opportunity to come together as one body of beloved children of God. Let’s show our community that we have much more in common than anything that might separate us. Again, watch for more information next month!


Pastor Andy