We’ve been hearing for some time now about the palpable feeling of genuine hospitality and welcome visitors experience when attending worship with us for the first time. It’s a great blessing to affirm, Church, and I commend your effort as you continue to extend this welcome beyond your ‘comfort zone’ to those whom you do not yet know.
I so value this aspect of our ‘call’ in this place and I’ve been in prayer about leading a next step in our collective understanding and example of God’s limitless invitation to love. And, as it is many times with God, I was prompted to think in a new way!
The keynote speaker at a recent Clergy Covenant Retreat, the retired South African Methodist Bishop Peter Storey, shared a South African (Zulu) greeting that struck me as just what we could use to emphasize the intentionality of our commitment to welcome to ALL people.
As Peter spoke I became aware that this was an answer to my prayer: bring this to the worship — that place where we gather before God — and affirm! affirm! affirm! ALL people in the room by recognizing the value of their presence in the midst of the community and in the heart of God.
Peter explained that the Zulu greet one another with: “Sawubona”, meaning, “I see you” answered by, “Sikhona”, which means, “I am here”. He said that when people acknowledge one another as present that they are more likely to value that individual as a person in their midst. When eye contact is made it increases the mutual valuing of the participants’ intention to see and be seen! Wow!
So, beginning this coming Sunday, May 1st, our worship leader will begin worship with: “Good morning, [Church]: I see you!” And, everyone will respond, “I am here!” Then we will take a moment to greet those around us in like manner. This will take the place of passing the peace on most Sundays (passing the peace prepares us for the celebration of Holy Communion as an Act of Reconciliation).
God is good, my friends, and faithful to our need to grow and reach out to those who need God’s heart! I’m so grateful for the attentiveness of God and for answered prayer and for this community – so willing to serve and to witness to that wonderful, unconditional love of God!
Pastor Kelly