A Note from Pastor Kelly

We celebrate and lament this time of year as the Season of Summer gives way to the cooler Fall temps and shorter daylight hours. Boats come out of the water, storm windows go up, sweaters come out of storage and we go from drinking iced tea to hot cider. Many lament and dread these changes as a sure sign of the approaching cold and snow of Winter. I have been drawn to recall a children’s story about a mouse community in this very same situation. Most were doing exactly what we are doing right now, scurrying to finish preparations for making through the long, cold winter. But one little mouse, Frederick, took a different approach. He lingered each day to enjoy the beauty of the changing leaf colors, the smell of burn piles and the crisp chill in the air. He took in the lovely colors of the Fall flowers and he put in his memory the last look of the green grass. Frederick didn’t scurry about collecting food stores and securing his lodging against winter winds. Rather, he savored his present surroundings and was grateful for the opportunity to bear witness to such beauty around him. He appreciated his community and the work they were doing. The community, on the other hand, scolded Frederick for not being more helpful in this busy, frantic race to be ready enough to survive. Winter did come in the story, as it surely will for us, and dark days were long and boring. The community shared all they had with ease and there was enough but their true hunger was to “get out”, to be freed from the blandness, to be warm again and busy. And then Frederick shared what he had gathered for the Winter – he told stories and shared his memories of all that he had witnessed back on those beautiful Fall days. His community was truly fed by his gift, they were renewed and hopeful. They also had a new appreciation for the variety of gifts in their midst – some gather, some mend, some feed the body and some feed the soul. All have a place and a purpose and for that lesson, every-one was grateful and glad.

Friends, let this be us as we enter this changing time of year. Let us truly appreciate and utilize one another’s gifts and let us be sure that God’s timing and God’s blessing guides and sustains our life in community here in this place.

I am so grateful to serve in your midst, growing leaders, shaping ministry and appreciating the beauty that each of you brings to our worship, mission and service near and far. Thanks be to God for the community of Bay View United Methodist Church!

I want to believe that our community values openness in its action and conversation. I asked to be a member here as many others have because of the open welcome and willingness to have open dialogue/discernment. As your pastor, I will continue to lead in ways that foster trust in conversation on the hard topics with the invitation and mutual freedom to be wherever you need to be on the spectrum of the discussion.

It is my hope that no mind, no heart or any door would be locked in any direction. That through the Holy Spirit, we will all agree to grow together, however God leads us for the betterment of God’s kingdom, here on earth, as it is in heaven. I continue to give thanks for the privilege of serving in your midst, recognizing that I am a work in progress along with each of you. I trust that there is grace for all of my steps and missteps as they humanly happen with the best of intention for the ministry in this place.

Peace to each of you,
Pastor Kelly

P.S. Lay Leadership will be activating the Church and Society Team this fall, inviting those who feel an interest or call to peace and justice issues to meet, offer educational and programming opportunities and guidance for our community. Pray about this new area of ministry focus and speak to the Lay Leadership team if you are interested. (Muriel Blackwood, Judie Liebenstein, Sara Lewin and Pastor Kelly)