Yes, Lent is my soul’s favorite time of the Christian calendar year, I admit it! I truly look forward to this time of journeying, questioning and discovery in my spiritual life. I covet time alone balanced with study and service all with the hope that when ‘Sunday comes’ (Easter Sunday, that is), I will be ready/able to “see” that He is Risen!
I encourage each of you, with utter sincerity, to take this time to heart. Lent comes so that we might embrace the disciplines of the faith with the support of our community. Choose a study, attend weekly worship and Oasis, join the music ministry or volunteer in a service project that is meaningful you. These six weeks provide us with time to care for our bodies, minds and spirits and to journey together, openly, toward the cross and the empty tomb.
I will begin Lent this year just back from my trip to the Holy Land and I anticipate that is experience will enhance my personal and professional journey through the 40 days. I look forward to sharing bits of my own reflection with you, my family of faith, and I welcome all of you to share your journeys with me. Let us be intentional as we embrace this opportunity to deepen our faith and strengthen our community.
The good news is: We ARE Easter people, my friends!
Let it be so!
Pastor Kelly
What a surpirse and joy to discover that Kelly and I were at worship together at the same time during our visit in Israel. What are the odds of that happening; the current pastor and the former pastor meeting thousands of miles away. I trust that your visit was productive. My UMVIM team accomplished much. And more importantly, gained significant insights into the difficult Palestinian issues.