In 2018, BVUMC moved to the Accountable Leadership Board model. This streamlined model of ministry allows the ALB, along with the pastor and staff, to give oversight and direction to the programs and ministries of Bay View United Methodist Church.


ALB is “accountable” to the mission, vision, discipleship system and strategic goals of the local church and The United Methodist Church. It is “leadership” in that its members take a special servant role. It is a “board” taking on the privilege and responsibility of leading Christ’s church.

ALB is responsible for the administrative functions of the church (finance, staffing, facilities), as well as meeting time for prayer reflection and leadership development. ALB focuses on big picture governance—not micro-managing—all ministries, delegating responsibility and authority within boundaries to administrative and ministry teams, individuals, or staff.

ALB and the pastor are mutually responsible for leading the congregation in making progress towards the mission, vision, discipleship system and results-based strategic goals of the local church and The United Methodist Church.


All people who are active members of BVUMC are eligible to serve on ALB. Between 7 and 13 serve, and have staggered elections at the church’s annual meeting (called “charge conference”) traditionally held in November. ALB members represent the diversity of people, missions, needs and skills of the congregation. They are intentionally growing in faith, as well as setting an example for the congregation.

ALB meets the second Monday of each month beginning at 6 pm in the Gathering Space. Meetings are open to all (unless discussing confidential, personnel issues.) Enter from the Pryor St door. Ring white door bell on left if door is locked.

2025 ALB members are:

Chair: Pamela Karg

Vice Chair: Diane Evans

Recording Secretary: Linda Balfanz

Lay Leadership & Annual Conference Delegate: Susan Troyer

At-Large Members: Mary Guardalabene, Mark Humphrey, John Liebenstein, Kelly Supataraporn

Pastor: Reverend Jerry Cho (ex officio)

ALB Contact email:

ALB Guiding Principles