Baby Food or Real Food: Which do you prefer?

Baby Food or Real Food


I think almost all of us would be quick to answer “real food” as we long outgrew the pabulum served up to us as infants. And yet, when it comes to our faith many of us still prefer “that old-time religion” we learned back in Sunday School (which does go down nice and easy) over a message that we might have to chew on for a while. Philip Gulley, writing in If the Church were Christian offers that “in every other endeavor, we welcome the advancements of science, careful thought and progress. But in theology, we not only fear such advancements, we condemn them.”

One of the challenges facing those who preach is having to walk the tightrope of offering a message that both comforts and challenges not only the listener but the preacher as well. Part of that challenge, for all of us, comes with simply voicing what it is we do believe…about God, Jesus, the church and what it means to be a Christian. Some of us have never really put our beliefs into words, much less had anyone challenge us on them. If you’re willing, I’d like to invite you to do just that.

Beginning on Tuesday evening, September 6th, I will be leading an adult study group at Faith United Methodist Church, 400 S. 91st St., from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We will be using a video series featuring Marcus Borg called “Embracing An Adult Faith.” It will run for five weeks, concluding October 4th and we’ll cover a different subject each week; God, Jesus, Salvation, Practice and Community. I’d love to have you join us for what I’m sure will be some provocative and enlightening conversation. One reviewer of this study says, “Borg and his friends create a comfortable and safe place for our own questions. The study guide encourages deep, meaningful engagement with the big questions.”

The cost of the material is $10. If you’re interested or have any questions please give me a call (744-3927) or drop me a note ( I hope you’ll consider adding your voice and thoughts to our conversation!

Pastor Andy