Our community celebrated “Christmas in July” this last Sunday in worship and I can’t stop thinking about it. It was wonderful to recapture that feeling of caring and genuine interest for one another as we praised God for the Holy family and for our church family. It was humbling and comforting… to be able to hear God speak to me personally and for me to then be able to share with all of you about the need we all have to “Take Time Out” for rest, remembrance and recharging. (Thanks to the many who offered their birthday wishes and greetings to my children who I’ll be traveling to see in CA this week.) It was a joy to include our “ducks” in the fun of reminding the children about the special place the holy family AND our church family has in God’s heart (and to be gifted from Pastor Andy with more cool ducks to share – thanks, Andy!) The morning celebration was enhanced by the musical leadership of our Orchestra and the special music of the Wesleyan Bell Choir and thanks to all of those musicians who gave their time to practice, rehearsal and participation in the worship. Thanks too, for the fine Christmas dinner pot luck fellowship that followed the service – to those who organized the set up, serving and clean up of the meal and to everyone who brought something for the table – either a food item or a crèche to share.
I’m truly marking this past Sunday in my memory of heart – a moment to breathe and refuel. It feels good to pause and to recall the joy of the Christmas Season with all of its hopefulness for peace. Even out of context, July instead of December, the Christmas message of ‘God with us’ (Emmanuel) rings loud and clear – amidst the grief in Aurora, CO; amidst the flood recovery efforts in Superior, WI; amidst the looming political, economic and social issues of the local, national and international scenes; amidst the changes in leadership for our church region and conference; amidst the continuing challenge to vision how God is calling us to be a vital voice of faith. As we sing “Joy to the World” and “O Come All Ye Faithful” can we refresh our commitment to that joy and to that faith we profess? I pray that it is so because just like the disciples (who were trying to rest as Jesus had invited them to do) we are continually called to be about the mission and ministry of Bay View UMC as God calls us to it. We have work to do, friends!
So, join me in keeping Christmas on your mind (and in your heart) and join me, as well, in the continuing call to be God’s people, at work in the world here in this place and in this time. Merry Christmas!!!
Peace to each of you,
Pastor Kelly