I lifted this line from a commentary on James I’ve been using for the September sermon series on that text. It continues to get me thinkin’ about how we’re doing that and how we’re talking about it as we do so.
Pastor Wendee got us talkin’ alot about our “doings” here at Bay View UMC at our Vision Retreat earlier in September. Since then,…I’ve been focused on sharing the outcomes of that retreat work as I continue to bring the message each week in worship. It’s been a life-giving and affirming time for the work we did and the work we are being called to do. It’s been amazing to see how the lectionary passages and themes (chosen so long ago) come with the blessing of the Spirit to guide our next steps around intentional communication toward the goals of our ministry that include:
~ welcoming all at their point of need,
~ engaging people as they are ready to receive,
~ sharing mutual ministry as we move forward in faith, together.
We want to first and foremost communicate our groundedness in God’s love and invitation for each of our lives to be God’s people. Our foundation is God’s word along with our sense of experience, reason and tradition (as United Methodists) and we are striving to be peace planters as we strengthen our own faith and grow through our shared ministry together. That’s a lot of “doin” and I believe that our action speaks our faith here and outside these walls.
We have a hunger here, to be vital and to thrive as a community strongly centered here in Bay View and to that end, we are moving forward with plans for ministry for 2013.
As Andy helps us turn the corner into October we will be layering onto our focus on communication a greater understanding and commitment to the financial support of our shared ministry. Our Stewardship campaign will highlight gifts of the congregation, dreams of our youth and the desire of our leadership to have more folks join them in active, committed life in our community. We will talk about time, about talent, about treasure and about our witness as we prepare to make our financial pledges for the coming year. Finance will offer a learning time on apportionments and we will use our time together in worship to consider how ‘giving’ is just another layer (and an important one) of ‘doin’ the word’.
Friends, join me as I pray for this years’ stewardship response – for God’s Spirit to continue to move hearts toward active ministry participation which includes our trust that as each of us gives with joy and generosity, it will be: ENOUGH!
Peace to each of you,
Pastor Kelly