Helpers…What a Blessing!

The children are on my mind as we round out this Sunday School program year. Our church embraces children in a way I have not experienced elsewhere – ever! You see them and value them and you encourage parents with your support in so many ways. Numbers never reflect the truth of a church or a program. It’s the heart that fuels the joy (and success) of ministry as it impacts persons, for good! The heart of Bay View UMC for children beats with passion and I am so grateful for our families and those who care for their spiritual formation.

The Sunday School has been blessed this year with wonderful lead teachers and supportive helpers. Volunteers that commit their time, talent and treasure to bring wonderful classroom and ALL group experiences week after week are priceless!

I have been praying for some time now about how to expand the volunteer and leadership opportunities to work with children in the coming days here at Bay View UMC. Please pray with me, Church, as the vision for more helping hands and willing hearts to serve unfolds for children’s ministry next year.

We will celebrate this year of Sunday School in a single service of worship ALL together on Sunday, June 4th at 9:45am followed by our PEP group hosting an ice-cream Sunday bar! Proverbs 22:6 says “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”  Families are blessed here through the love and care our community has for the children! Thanks be to God!

Peace be with each of you,Pastor Kelly