How Do You See Jesus?

A couple of years ago I heard a new-to-me Christmas song and it captured my heart. It was James Taylor singing “Some Children See Him” and it spoke of how children everywhere see Jesus as a reflection of themselves. As I listened again and again to this song I couldn’t help but wonder why it is so hard for most of us to “see” Jesus in the faces of the people around us, especially those who are different than ourselves. Every time I hear this song I am convicted again by the knowledge that every person under the sun is a child of God, deserving of love and respect.

On Sunday, December 14th, we are going to be blessed to have Trillium (Joy Steckler, Mary Smith & Ellen Latorraca) offering their musical talents during our 10:45am worship. They will be doing “Some Children See Him” during our Children’s Time and even though I’m preaching that Sunday, I know hearing the words of this song will be the most powerful experience you will have that day. Here are those words:

“Some children see Him lily white, the baby Jesus born this night.
Some children see Him lily white, with tresses soft and fair.
Some children see Him bronzed and brown, The Lord of heav’n to earth come down.
Some children see Him bronzed and brown, with dark and heavy hair.
Some children see Him almond-eyed, this Savior whom we kneel beside.
Some children see Him almond-eyed, with skin of yellow hue.
Some children see Him dark as they, sweet Mary’s Son to whom we pray.
Some children see him dark as they, and, ah! they love Him, too! 
The children in each different place will see the baby Jesus’ face
like theirs, but bright with heavenly grace, and filled with holy light.
O lay aside each earthly thing and with thy heart as offering,
come worship now the infant King. ‘Tis love that’s born tonight!”

As I write this it is another week or so until Thanksgiving so Christmas is still a ways out there but on the other hand…it is ten degrees outside! So as we begin to get caught up in the hustle and the bustle of the holiday season…maybe we could try our best to pause for a moment every now and then to look at every person we meet in hopes of seeing them “bright with heavenly grace, and filled with holy light.” May it be so.

Meanwhile…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Pastor Andy