Jumping Ahead

Our mild weather has us jumping ahead to thoughts and actions (Pastor Andy playing tennis outside in February – oh my!) that are more spring-like. I find myself almost depressed by Sally Severson’s forecast of snow for this coming weekend, as if we Midwesterners are now exempt from our ‘normal’ February/March weather.

I have to caution myself back into the reality of where I live and how unpredictable many things, including the weather, can be in our daily lives.

Jesus is about to enter the wilderness of temptation in preparation for his ministry to the least and the lost. His human journey will once again end with the death of the flesh on a criminals’ cross – and friends, I implore you here, don’t jump ahead!

We are about to embark upon the Season of Lent – our 40 days of journeying with Jesus – in preparation for that glorious fact that there IS an empty tomb!

Our faith secure, let us begin this time together, with intention and discipline, eager to journey as the Church family we are: close, inclusive, and faithful.

This season I am encouraging everyone to take part in the Family Study for Lent. The booklets are available to guide you through each week of Lent using scripture, symbols, activities, discussion, mission, and prayer as prompts for an intentional time together. Gather with those in the pews around you and rotate meeting in your homes one hour a week; gather co-workers to join you for one lunch hour a week; gather friends to begin the day at your favorite coffee shop one day a week, gather your family in your home around the table as you share a meal together. If you want to be in a Lenten family group and need help forming one, please let Pastor Andy or me know and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Work the weeks slowly and prayerfully allowing the Holy Spirit to inspire your thoughts and responses, trusting that God is with you always and in all ways.

Let’s be examples of the disciplined life of faith and discipleship in community for our children as we journey this season; no jumping ahead into spring or into Easter joy!  You are all in my prayers.

Pastor Kelly