Just in Time for Valentine’s Day

Over the past few years we’ve used a number of Adam Hamilton’s small group study books and they have always been well-received. Now Julie and I would like to invite you to join us in a very special “couples only” class using Hamilton’s new book and DVD study, “Love to Stay”. The promo says; “Falling in love is easy, but staying in love takes courage, hard work, and lots of grace! This book explores love, sex, and marriage, and what it takes to make love last.”

The six sessions are titled; More Than A Piece of Paper; What She Wants, What He Wants; The Significance of Sexual Intimacy; Habits That Hurt, Habits That Heal; Cloth, Bear with and Forgive; A Love That Lasts a Lifetime.

Reading some of the on-line reviews it would seem this would be great for a couple planning to be married, just married or married for many, many years.

Watch The Cube for more information. We’ll look to start this in late February – early March.


Pastor Andy