Lenten Reflection

Hello Church,

While Pastor Kelly has been away we’ve been blessed to experience the worship and preaching leadership of our pastoral intern, Michelle Henrichs. The timing of Pastor Kelly’s trip was perfect for Michelle to have this opportunity as it coincided with a special project she needed to complete for her schooling. As part of that project we have included bulletin inserts the past two Sundays with some questions that Michelle needs your input on to complete her assignment. We offer you these same questions below and ask you to please take a moment to e-mail her with your responses. It will help her tremendously as she completes this assignment.

Here are the questions;

Does worship help you to prepare for Lent?

Is the connection between your baptism and Lent meaningful to you? Why or why not?

Are the Old Testament scriptures as relevant and meaningful to you as are the Gospels and New Testament?

As you consider your own journey of discipleship, were the issued raised in the Scripture relevant to you? Please share further.

Please respond to Michelle at michelleh@bayviewumc.org


Pastor Andy