I’ve always enjoyed the “year in review” articles that seem to accompany each new year so I hope you’ll indulge me a bit as I look back…and look ahead. Personally 2013 was a great year as Julie and I took our first real cruise, visited Yellowstone National Park, plus I got to spend a week in Gettysburg before doing Julie’s sister’s wedding in August. I also stepped up my tennis game which has introduced me to a whole new circle of friends.
My time here has been equally rewarding. I was blessed to be part of a number of wonderful discussion groups the most recent of which stretched us all in our understanding of what it means to offer God’s love to ALL. I am excited by the new faces we’ve been seeing in worship and how we might as a congregation reflect their presence among us. My half-time status allowed me to preach and lead worship in three other United Methodist churches in 2013. It is always a joy to spend time with a new group of folks and to learn how they are living their faith in their communities.
But what will 2014 hold? God only knows but I am excited by the possibilities both for myself and for our church. Selling our properties and paying off our building debt has opened the door to new opportunities for ministry. Personally I am looking forward in February to joining Richard and Jan Kumbier and Aurelia Schultz on a Volunteer in Mission trip to Texas. I haven’t done one of these for a few years and it is always a humbling and rewarding experience.
Actually, that pretty much describes what it feels like to serve here as one of your pastors…it is both humbling and extremely rewarding to share ministry with Pastor Kelly and with ALL of you. May God continue to bless us in the coming year and may we be open to all the ways the Spirit lives and moves in each of us. Happy New Year!
Pastor Andy