“What a wondrous time is spring, when all the trees are budding, the birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming; that’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it: you want to sing, it’s fresh like spring, you want to pass it on.”
Way last century, as a young person in age and faith, this camp song was foundational to my faith development. The first verse talks about the “spark” that ignites God’s love in us and in those around us. The third verse is a parting wish for everyone to know the Lord of love.
This second verse, though, is the one that inspires this writing. As we continue to long for Spring to come to Milwaukee, don’t we also long for new life in each of our hearts? I pray that this Easter Season may be a “wondrous time” for our community and that the metaphors of budding trees, singing birds and blooming flowers may reflect the ongoing emergence of faith for each of you.
It’s hard not to notice that recently, our church nursery population is growing! We have been blessed with faithful young families who trust their children to our care and who come regularly to experience the joy of Christian community, worship and service. As we move through April and May I invite you to be praying, with me, about our roll in raising these children in the faith. Will one of you be willing to teach them the camp song “Pass It On”? Will a few of you be willing to organize a summer Vacation Bible School experience for them? Who is willing to engage parents in dialogue and support around the rigors of parenting? How can our youngest children join in acts of service in the days ahead?
Friends, this area of our ministry together is truly blooming! I invite each of you to nourish it with your prayers and fuel its continuing growth with your commitment to offer your time and talent.
Remember the acorns I gave out last fall – the promise of a seed planted – that with time, nutrients and prayer sprouts would come! I believe we are being blessed this Spring with new life as we welcome these young ones among us. I look forward, with great anticipation, to our next step in the visioning process and hope that some of you will bring ideas and energy for this area of ministry. (details TBA)
Thanks be to God for the gift of new life – in the signs and symbols of Spring, in the presence of children and in the glorious resurrection of Jesus in our hearts! Alleluia!
Peace to each of you,
Pastor Kelly