Peace with Justice

“Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. God to bat for the defenseless.”  Isaiah 1:17 (The Message)

Dear friends,

How we live out the scriptural call to justice for ALL in our context is important to my vision for ministry in this place. As I reflect on almost 6 years in your midst I am humbled… by the many stories of just acts of compassion, advocacy and care you have extended to others. Your Spirit led ministry action has been motivated by heartfelt need: for safe sanctuary, for a new start, for healing and for the modeling of a better way for ALL to live in peace.

I have witnessed a steady opening of the heart of our congregation as we extend the hand of Christian fellowship and hear affirmation from visitors and new members that our welcome is authentic and good. This unconditional hospitality, wonderfully done for folks who risk entering our doors, requires on-going reinforcement through education and practice in our community.  And, recently, the conversation has moved to include how we risk to extend our welcome outside these walls.

To that end, as we celebrate our 125 years of ministry this year, the Administrative Council approved the installation of a Peace Pole in the front (KK side) yard of the church to signify our place as one of peace in our community. (we will dedicate this pole on Sunday, May 26 with Bishop Don Ott as our special guest).  I will be asking the Council at their May meeting if we might include rainbow stripes (a welcoming symbol to the LGBT community) on the pole to further signify our commitment to include ALL in our welcome.  The Council will also hear more about the preparation for our upcoming Vision II retreat (Sunday, June 2) when guest facilitator, Don Mendenhall, will guide church leaders through a discerning process for next steps in the ministry we share. Pastor Andy and I pray that as the heart of this church continues to beat for justice for ALL that a peace will guide our way, together, for the good of ALL.

“…Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love. And don’t take yourself too seriously- take God seriously.”           Micah 6:8 (The Message)

Peace to each of you,

Pastor Kelly