As September comes it is time to ready the community (all of us) for another year of vital ministry together in this place. We’ve been through a fairly busy summer with folks regularly attending worship, truly responding to the apportionment campaign, committing to the off-site mid-week class and tending faithfully to Trustee projects, monthly team meetings and special, one-time needs. We’ve gathered to play and to promote our faith community; we’ve gone out into the mission field and we’ve celebrated in our worship life together. We’ve welcomed visitors, received new members, sang, rang, prayed and played as the summer days have gone by us.
Now we move beyond our reflection and into the reality of another ministry-filled Fall. There will be experiences of worship, opportunities to learn, ways to serve and needs awaiting a response – a place for everyone to utilize their gifts and talents and to securely offer financial support where the need or passion is greatest.
New and older members are encouraged to take a new step in faith as you think about what you’d like to be doing in the life of our community. You are encouraged and expected (although not pressured) to find a way to respond to God’s grace and love in your life that is stretching yet comfortable for you. Make church a place where you can grow and feel the connection to a healthy, open, growing,faithful community.
Peace to each of you,
Pastor Kelly