This past month we’ve all been traveling along in spirit with Pastor Kelly as she journeyed to the Holy Land. I’ve been telling her all along that this would be “Kelly’s Excellent Adventure!” a la the Bill & Ted movie from a few years ago. Now here’s a little insight into how my mind works…thinking of one movie automatically takes me to another one, this one from my childhood. I remember seeing a movie when I was eight years old called The Incredible Journey. It was about two dogs and a cat that were separated from their owners for some reason and together make the long journey home. It was one of those tear-jerking “nature” movies that Disney did so well back in the day.
And that got me wondering about our own journeys…our journeys through life and through faith. With the gift of hindsight I look back and marvel at how I journeyed from a manufacturing job to joining Pastor Lowell here as a lay minister before moving on to become a bonafide United Methodist pastor…and now back again. It has indeed been an incredible journey and looking back, I can see where God was at work in it (Not always so easy to see in the here and now!).
But what about you? Where has your “incredible journey” taken you? Have you made this journey in the company of others or has it been a solo adventure? Has it been a trip of literal miles or has it been one of mind and spirit? Have there been rough spots along the way? Have you been to some high mountaintops? Where are you now on this wild journey of life and faith?
I’d love to hear your answers to those questions as well as anything else you might like to share about your life’s journey. With your permission I would compile some of your responses for a future newsletter article. So drop me a line at or or write your story out longhand and leave it in my mailbox in the office. Remember, it’s in our stories that we know the presence of Jesus…so talk to me!
Pastor Andy