So, Why are you here?

I believe all of us come to church seeking something. That need for “something” is different for each of us and that need even differs within each of us from time to time. Sometimes we come to be comforted. We all have experienced times when life just seems to be too much and we simply need to be reassured of God’s love…so we come to church.

Many of us come to church to be with our friends; our extended church family. The church offers a sense of community that no other place can provide. This is the place where we should feel welcome and safe. The trick is in remembering to offer this same sense of community to the new faces in our midst.

Now there is another reason to come to church but I’m not sure we’re always thinking about it. That reason is to be challenged…to be challenged to consider again just what it is we believe and how that belief affects our day-to-day living. Another way of saying this is that we come to church to grow…to grow in our faith and in our understanding of what it means to be people of faith.

But we tend to shy away from growth because we know that growth can mean change and change can sometimes be painful. And yet, we are always in the process of changing, aren’t we? Just look in the mirror! I believe the idea of growing in faith is exactly what Jesus was asking of his followers way back when and is still asking of us today. I have been so encouraged by the number of people who have taken up the challenge of “Embracing an Adult Faith” with me and I am looking for more study opportunities to help us continue to go (grow?) a little deeper. I hope you will consider taking up the challenge to grow together…both in class with me and in worship on Sunday mornings!

Pastor Andy