As we come out of our stewardship season I hope to continue to think broadly about the spiritual gifts that God has blessed us. Stewardship is about more than financial gifts. I want to have more conversations with you about where your passions are and how you can plug those passions into the life of the church. I hope to meet more of you and simply ask what keeps you coming back to church and what makes you passionate. What gifts has God blessed you with that you can share in this community? In the coming weeks we will be forming small group conversations to go through a spiritual gifts inventory.
Our community comes together as we give of our time and our talent. I am impressed by the varied musical gifts that are part of worship each week and I’m grateful for the witness of those that help with Bread and Jam. I’m particularly excited to see the congregation’s passion for cookies and contribute some fudge myself! I look forward to continue to grow as I walk with you and we learn from each other. Consider how God has gifted you and how you are called to live for God.
Pastor Eddie