Before we know it summer will be here in all its glory. The kids will be out of school, early service will be outside, the summer singers will be sharing their talents with us, folks will be disappearing on vacation…and our church calendar will move to “Ordinary Time.”
Ordinary time is… just another way of marking the Sundays after Pentecost and will culminate on Christ the King Sunday in late November. From there we enter once more into Advent. This stretch of some twenty-six Sundays marks the biggest portion of the church calendar and it offers wide latitude to preachers because the various chosen readings for each Sunday are not intended to compliment one another as they are during other times of the year.
This allows the preacher to “zero in” each week on just one of the readings or even to simply follow one book from the Bible for more than one Sunday. The gospel writer Luke will be one of our companions as we move through these days but who knows who else might pop up on Sunday morning!
Summer being what it is, we all will be out and about much more than we have been these past six months or so. I don’t know about you but that prolonged winter that took the place of spring this year was really getting to me! But in the midst of what I hope will be a healthy and happy summer, don’t forget to keep church a priority. May our sanctuary be for you a place of welcome and worship, rest and renewal, fellowship and faith. And wherever your travels take you this summer, may you go secure in the knowledge that the God who loves not only you but ALL goes before you.
See you in church!
Pastor Andy