There’s No Place Like Home!

By now I imagine you all know that on July 1st I’ll be “coming home” to Bay View United Methodist Church, having been appointed by our Bishop to a ½ time pastoral position. And like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, I can’t wait to click my heels and get back to Kansas…I mean Bay View!

I sort of came back two years ago when I was appointed here in a ¼ time position but that opportunity did not allow me to be present on Sunday mornings and as you know, if you miss a Sunday, you miss a lot! Without that opportunity to be with you in worship, I found it very difficult to connect with the people who had come to us since I left back in 2003. So I’m really looking forward to getting to know those folks and obviously I’m thrilled to be back among the people who sent me into ministry.

But I’m guessing some of you might be wondering why I would want to come back, especially in a ½ time role. Well, the answer is easy. It’s because I still believe in you and I still believe in what we can do together here on the corner of KK and Clement. Over these past two years Pastor Kelly and I have had countless conversations about our church and the possibilities for ministry in our neighborhood and in our city. We have come to appreciate each other’s gifts and also to trust in one another, so much so that we’re both making some sacrifices so that we can work together in ministry. Pastor Kelly has put forth a strong vision for who we can be as a community of faith and I want to do everything I can to enable that vision to become a reality. I consider it a great blessing to join with her in ministry, along with all of you.

I learned much in my time at Faith United Methodist Church. The people there truly taught me what ministry is all about and what it means to be a pastor. I look forward to applying what I have learned to this new opportunity. I also look forward to whatever surprises God may yet have in store for me!

And now, I ask you to please keep me in your prayers as I begin the process of saying goodbye to a marvelous congregation that has gifted me in so many ways. And I look forward to being with you in worship on July 1st when Pastor Kelly and I will begin our time together by offering to you the bread of life and the cup of joy. God is good…all the time!

Pastor Andy