On more than one occasion when preaching I’ve referred to an old African proverb; “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” It amazes me how often I think of that phrase as I find myself being part of this group or that organization. Just off the top of my head I’m part of this congregation, a member of our Wisconsin Annual Conference, part of the Southeast Covenant Association, the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee, the Servant Leadership Roundtable, Cardinal Stritch University’s Urban Ministry certificate program, etc.
Another similar organization is Common Ground (CG). CG began in 2004 when one man, Bob Connelly, started meeting with key faith and business leaders to talk about the idea of forming a unique non-partisan grass-roots organizing force to address the pressing issues facing our community. Bob spent four years making connections and developing relationships and finally, in 2008, CG was launched. Our church, led by the late Rev. Richard Truitt, was one of the founding members of this organization. Sadly, financial constraints caused us to drop our membership several years ago; but Ann Pier and Judy Banta have remained committed to the work of CG.
Friends, I believe it is time for us as a congregation to recommit to CG. The work they have done in Milwaukee is amazing. First, they helped bring over $33 million dollars into our community from national and international banks that were holding title to countless foreclosed homes in our city. Most recently they helped broker a similar deal with NationStar, which is led by one of the principle owners of the Milwaukee Bucks.
They are also working hard right now to address the ever-increasing gun violence in our communities by their ‘Do Not Stand Idly By’ campaign. I invite you to find out more about that campaign and others by reviewing their website, commongroundwi.org, but I really want you to do more than that.
On Wednesday night, November 4th, they are holding a Forward Momentum Delegates Assembly at Mount Mary College from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. I plan to go and I can take at least three others with me. Why not come along and learn first-hand about their work and how you, and our church, can be a part of it? I know that together we can accomplish so much more than any of us can do on our own.
So please, check the sign-up on The Cube and come along with me on November 4th.
Pastor Andy